Technische System Integration GmbH

Engineering, project handling and commissioning of electrotechnical and automation systems for conventional and innovative industrial systems, power plants and manufacturing systems


Our company stands for manufacturer-independent planning and implementation of individual, user-friendly electrotechnical and automation solutions in the field of industrial energy, power plant and plant technology.


Energy supply, integration of renewable power generation plants, grid protection technology


Control and regulation concepts for complex and highly efficient plants


Independent system conception and equipment selection


Digitalisation, network technology, security systems

Smart Grid

Reliable and efficient use of the grid through integration of decentralized power generation and storage facilities


Industrial cyber security solutions to protect critical infrastructure and industrial assets


Engineering and consulting services for all aspects of energy, EI&C and automation technology

Conceptual design

The engineering and processing experience of our employees enables a holistic view of the challenges of technical or market-specific issues that arise when designing an energy production or industrial plant.

Feasibility studies, profitability studies, analysis of the cost effectiveness

Life-cycle assessments and cost-benefit analysis

Design planning

Pre-design and approval planning, permit application

Support for clarifications with authorities

Due to our international orientation, we have experience with the application and interpretation of country-specific standards and norms, including DIN/VDE/ISO, British Standard, UL, ASME, Ghostnorm (RU), etc.


A legally compliant, standardized specification of the service to be procured, adapted to your requirements, forms the basis for successful project execution. As a manufacturer-independent engineering office, we are in a position to tender all services in accordance with the customer's expectations and issue an award proposal based on independent criteria.

tendering and contracting procedures, application planning

Obtaining of permits

Carry out the tender procedure in accordance with the legal framework

Developing of specifications (electrical and control engineering, power engineering)

Bid evaluation and award proposal

The superior understanding of the process as well as the independent selection of system components form the basis for a professional implementation of your overall project in time.


Competence in enginering and solution development at the highest level have guaranteed the success of our customers and partners since many years. Interdisciplinary understanding as well as engineering and implementation experience are as decisive for your project success as the ongoing education and training of our employees.

Basic- and detail engineering of HV/MV/LV systems and automation systems

HAZOP studies according IEC 61882, SIL consideration

Functional logic diagrams according DIN 40719 and VGB R170C

Loop and circuit diagrams, Cable pulling and cable routing planning

Erection documentation for instrumentation and field devices (Hook-up's)

The usage of commercially available electrical and process engineering planning tools (COMOS PT, Aucoplan, EPlan, Conval, Neplan, etap, etc.) combined with the extension of functions by individual development allows us to carry out comprehensive planning tasks in a transparent and flexible manner, taking into account the applicable codes and standards.


Cooperative, cross-discipline coordination and communication of all involved actors is essential for a timely and cost-effective completion of the overall project. The higher-level understanding of the process and the independend choice of system components form the basis for a professional and implementation of the overall project in time.

Supervision of construction activities

Supervision and support of the executing companies, erection and installation supervision, measurement verification, invoice verification


Loop Check, Hot and cold commissionnig, trial run supervision, performance testing


Grid and performance optimization, optimization of load flows

Troubleshooting and analysis

Our employees support you in all EI&C and energy technology related topics in the area of project management, scheduling and tracking, coordination of delivery and performance limits, cost control and overall coordination of engineering documents.


You are looking for a reliable, independent partner for the goal-oriented planning and execution of your project? Our experienced team will be happy to support you with any energy and process-related questions you may have.

Project management

Implementation planning, scheduling, coordination of trades

Concept engineering

Funding consultancy and administration for municipalities and business companies

Preparation of technical reports and expert opinions

Employee Outsourcing

The areas of responsibility and structures in our industry sometimes require external employees to be integrated into the company as supporting staff. Comprehensive knowledge of the industry and the involved players enable a targeted selection of personnel to successfully complete your project.

Control system programmer, I&C technicans

Siemens PCS7, Siemens SPPA-T3000, ABB Symphony Melody, ABB 800xA, Metso, Hima, Emerson DeltaV, Beckhoff

Commissioning Engineer

Experts and generalists for worldwide assignments in different areas of expertise


TSI is a certified, independent engineering office for electrical-, measurement- and control systems as well as informatics

Thanks to decades of experience in planning and commissioning, we understand our customers' requirements and can engineer and implement customized, manufacturer-independent solutions. Continuous training of our employees and certifications ensure high quality in the execution of your projects.

State-certified engineering office for electrical-, measurement- and control systems

State-certified engineering office for informatics

Licensed electrical engineering and installation company

State certified employee leasing

Location in Austria

Management board: Klosterer Georg, Klosterer Peter

Location in Germany

Management board: Schönfelder Bernhard, Klosterer Georg, Klosterer Peter

The main objective of our company is to create individual, innovative and economic system solutions in the areas of electrical, instrumentation and control technology for power and process plants, which meet customer requirements as well as the legal framework and other standards.

Training and continuous professional development, extensive expertise

Individual, independent development of solutions

Familiar corporate culture

ISO 9001:2015  

Practiced quality and safety management is an essential factor for our continuous further development and adaptation of our processes according customers requirements. We have already been certified according to EN ISO 9001 for many years.

SCC**-VAZ 2021  

Health and safety is very important to us, therefore our management processes and work processes are certified according to SCC** (Security Certificate for Contractors).

VdS 10005 Testat  

IT security is also of central importance to our company. Our protective measures are continuously adapted to new threats and audited and certified in accordance with the VdS 10005 guidelines for information security.

TSI was founded in 1985 by the brothers Manfred and Wolfgang Klosterer. Originally emerged from the company "Industrieelektronik-Klosterer", which was founded in 1965, the specialist field of control and regulation technology in the power plant sector was successfully continued. Since 2023, the company has been managed by Georg and Peter Klosterer in the third generation.

Based on many successfully realized projects home and abroad a comprehensive level of knowledge in the industrial plant sector was created.

Due to the large number of projects with German partners, a subsidiary was founded in Germany in 2003 and the number of employees was constantly expanded. As a result, a team of highly qualified experts is available today to implement your projects.

Business foundation Austria in 1985

Business foundation Germany in 1985

Projects in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa


In the past decades, we have successfully implemented a large number of projects of various sizes and in various industries (power plants, combined cycle plants, boiler plants, residue incineration plants, flue gas cleaning plants including auxiliary plants, etc.). Below we take the liberty of listing an excerpt of our activities to date.

Plant for Lithiumhydroxid, Guben (Germany, 2021-2024)

Plant for the production of battery-grade lithium hydroxide

Owners Engineering for electrical and control systems, basic planning, approval planning, project management and support until completion

VWK-West-Wolfsburg (Germany, 2019-2023)

CCPP (2x GT 110 MW, 1x ST 60 MW) as well as combined heat and power plant incl. 110 kV switchgear

Planning, handling and tendering of all electrotechnical components incl. 110 kV connection, GIS, block transformers HV/MV/LV/UPS/Diesel as well as detailed planning; short-circuit and load flow calculations, flicker calculation; electrical erection and cabling planning incl. cable routing; erection supervision; planning support for certification according to VDE-AR-4120

CCPP Bismaya 3 (Iraq, 2019-2021)

4x GE gas turbines Type Frame 9FA with 4 recovery boilers, 2x steam turbine and air cooled condenser incl. 400 kV HV system, 1500 MWe

Function as superior planner (Owner`s Engineer) for the investor. Review of technical documents, project handling with the general contractor, high-voltage planning, acceptances, quality control, schedule control, etc.

Waste-to-Energy Plant Malešice (Czech Republic, 2017-2023)

Waste incineration, flue gas cleaning

EI&C planning, functional planning, creation of functional descriptions, EI&C erection supervision, commissioning, programming Emerson DeltaV, monitoring trial operation

Boiler plant for biorefinery (Germany, 2021)

Boiler plant for biorefinery, Specialist field boiler cleaning systems

Preparation of the detailed function diagrams according to VGB R170C

HKWFR-GT Stadtwerke Munich (Germany, 2018)

Combined heat and power plant 2x GT Siemens SGT-800 + district heat exchanger (120 MWth)

Planning support in the field of EMSR technology, preparation of detailed functional specifications for LT programming, process engineering and functional commissioning incl. control optimization

Retrofit boiler plants, MHTL Trinidad I+II (Trinidad, 2022)

Retrofit steam boiler systems for 3 fuels oil/gas/fusel oil with 3 burners for a methanol system

Retrofit planning of the EI&C technology including commissioning of the process control system and fail-safe burner control; Recommissioning of the boiler systems and burner systems; Optimization of the closed loop controls

CCPP Termoeléctrica de Warnes, del Sur, Entre Rios (Bolivien, 2016-2021)

3x CCPP: 14x Siemens SGT-800, 11x Siemens SST-400, 22x Siemens Boiler (Benson)

I&C engineering; detail function planning; preparation of detail function plans and control diagrams; programming and commissioning Siemens SPPA-T3000 (incl. fail-safe control)

Ain Smara (Algerien, 2014-2017)

Infrastructure equipment for a manufacturing plant incl. office building

Planning and delivery of fire detection and alarm system, access system, video surveillance, call system for an industrial plant

Battery Storge Uppenborn (Germany, 2021-2022)

Battery Storge 25 MWh with connection to the 110 kV grid

Basic and detail engineering (grounding and lightning protection, quantity takeoff and preparation of an LV, preparation of detailed grounding plans)

Remote Control System (Austria, 2015)

Remote Control System renewable power plants

Engineering and tendering of the telecontrol equipment for the connection of renewable power plants via various bus systems IEC 60870-5, IEC 61850, Modbus

SCADA system for generating plants (Austria, 2014)

SCADA System

Engineering and tendering for a higher-level monitoring system for various renewable generation systems (hydroelectric power plants, wind farms, PV systems, storage power plants)

Contact us

Office Austria


Teesdorferstraße 36, 2525 Günselsdorf, Österreich



+43 2256 63544 0


+43 2256 63544 21

Office Germany


Claas-Tholen-Straße 2, 26725 Emden, Deutschland



+49 4921 58929 0


+49 4921 58929 21